Episode 13: Fear (part 2)
Managing and dealing with our inner fears. Many fears relate to fearful experiences as a child. Sharing our most fearful experiences. Different types of fears and how they manifest. Acknowledging fear and rising above it. Not falling victim to your own fears. Living into being bigger than whom you think you are.
Episode 14: Relationships and Online Dating (part 1)
In this episode, we've brought in a special guest named Kelly to share her views on relationships and online dating. Comparing "old school" ways of meeting versus a cyber connection. How people advertise themselves in their online profiles. Are guys looking for something different than women? Are there certain attributes in profiles that make a difference? Are apps an excuse for hooking up with many users? Was our parents' generation a better way to meet someone?
Episode 15: Relationships and Online Dating (part 2)
In this episode, Andrea and Owen summarize the previous episode and share their own thoughts on relationships and online dating. Discussing the positive and negative side effects of online dating. Is online dating changing the way people relate to one another? How is it changing them? Is the old fashioned way of meeting someone better? Does online dating lower our self-esteem or make us feel insecure in comparison to others? How is it affecting women differently than with men? Discussing: online dating can open up new relations that were never going to happen otherwise.
Episode 16: Relationships and Online Dating (part 3)
A candid group discussion about online dating amongst friends. How are dating apps working for men versus women? What are the differences between online dating in the straight community versus within the gay community? Are dating apps empowering to straight women or disempowering? Has the recent experience of dating apps shifted back to dating or is it still mostly about hooking up?